Use this form weekly or monthly, do not save up parking vouchers for months.
Claim form is for volunteers whose parking allowance is not included in the volunteer allowance.


Fields with an asterisk are compulsory


  • Fill in your first and last name

  • Enter your membership number, this can be found on your monthly or annual invoice for membership fees

  • Fill in your e-mail address

  • Enter the dates of the Wednesdays you parked, maximum 5 Wednesdays or Thursdays per month

  • Message is optional

  • Photos or 1 whole photo of all parking receipts, (mandatory). Maximum 6 Mb 

  • Make sure declations are submitted before the 25th of the month


If you send the declaration per week, it will be paid per month of all declarations received before the 25th of the month. After the 25th, they go with the following month.


GW = Galgenwaard


First and last name *
Membership number *
E-mail *
Select first month of declaration
Select last month of declaration
Parking receipts GW *

Max file size (Mb): 6

