Terminating membership

It is unfortunate that you wish to terminate your membership of fencing association Pallós. Please complete the electronic form below and the membership administration will inform you further about the termination of your membership as soon as possible.


Messages to other e-mail addresses, verbal communications to trainers or fellow fencers or otherwise will never be considered termination as such.



Pallós form termination of membership



When is your termination of membership processed
Membership of Fencing Association Pallós is concluded for the duration of a calendar year (January - December) and is valid until further notice. All cancellations received before 1 December will be processed for the same calendar year. Cancellations received by us on or after 1 December will be terminated as of 31 December of the following year.


If we have received your membership termination before 1 December. Then your membership will be terminated as of 31 December of the current year (financial year).


Fencing Association Pallós is an association and may therefore tacitly renew your membership. This is different from an agreement with, for example, a gym or an internet provider. You can read more about this on the website of the Consumers' Association (in dutch).


Temporary membership
At Fencing Association Pallós there is also a temporary membership of 3 months, this membership ends automatically. This membership falls outside the regular membership and is automatically terminated after the communicated membership period. So you do not have to do anything for this. Of course, you can also extend this membership to full membership of the association.