Membership application form

Fields with an asterisk are mandatory!

Surname *
Initials *
Given name *
Date of birth *

Gender (mandatory for the fencing association KNAS)

Nationality *
Adres *
Postal code *
City *
Telephone (fixed)
Mobile 1 *
Mobile 2
Email 1 *
Email 2
In case of emergency, warn:
In case student or U-pas
Enclose copy of student card and proof of enrolment or Copy U-pas

Max file size (Mb): 5

If already registered with the KNAS through another association name association:
KNAS nummer

If you followed trial membership select the month of start.

Fill year start of trial membership

As an association, we would like to know if you hold a first aid diploma.


Would you like to help the association in association activities as a first aider? 

If parents of youth members, you can post additional information here.

Requests the board of Pallós Fencing Association to be admitted to this association.

You can send a supplementary message here

After you submit the form, you will be contacted at a later date. Payments are made by direct debit.
You will receive an authorisation form for this, with a request to sign and return it.


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