It is possible to get subsidies for membership fees, beginners' course or trial membership through the organisations listed below.
U-pas holders can use the U-pas budget to (partially) pay the membership fee. Children up to 17 years old can pay the membership fee in full with the budget. Above 18, the budget is limited to 120 euros
Youth fund for sports and culture
The Youth Fund Sport & Culture helps! They pay for children and young people's membership or tuition fees and possibly items such as shoes or clothes.
This is how it works:
The application for a contribution is made by an intermediary. This could be a teacher, community sports coach, debt relief worker or social district team member;
The intermediary submits an application in consultation with you;
You will hear within 3 weeks whether the application has been approved;
After approval, you can register your child at the sports club your child wants to attend;
The Youth Fund pays the contribution or lesson fee directly to the teacher. You do not receive any money yourself.
Please note: a new application must be made every year.
How to find your intermediary
An intermediary is, for example, the teacher, neighbourhood sports coach, volunteer teacher, debt relief worker or employee of the social district team. Are you unable to find an intermediary? Then contact the Youth Fund in your area. They can help you further:
Bring the completed parent card with you to the appointment with the intermediary. This way the application can be made faster.
Leergeld Nederland
You can appeal to Leergeld if your child cannot participate in school sports and cultural activities. For example, the school trip at primary school, a laptop and foreign trip at secondary school, swimming lessons, music lessons and/or a scouting camp.
This stitching goes per municipality, each foundation municipality department has its own conditions. If there is no direct link from your municipality, please contact Leergeld Nederland or search the internet with the search term "Leergeld [name of your municipality]".
Next page are in dutch:
Go to Leergeld Leergeld Stichtse Vecht
Paul Verweel Sports fund
The Paul Verweel Sports Fund believes that all young people in Utrecht should be able to play sports. That is why children with a U-pas can apply to the Paul Verweel Sports fund to purchase sportswear and sports equipment. This way, we make sports accessible!
Adult fund for sports and culture
The Adult Fund is an initiative created from and with the support of the national Alliance 'Sports and exercise for all'. The ambition of the Alliance is that every Dutch person should be able to play sports and move throughout their lives.